Saturday of June 11th 2011, Jakarta became a spotlight of fixed gear scene around the globe. A day that we're waiting for finally come through and became a massive as we predicted. The pre-event itself was held and success to make sure not just Jakartans rider but other cities (Bandung, Surabaya, Makasar, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Bali etc) of Indonesia and even foreign riders (KL, JAPAN, CHINA, SWEDEN, AUSTRALIA, USA) to come and feel the pressure of Fixed Fest pump up their heart beat.
It's getting more bigger, bigger and bigger when MashSF, TRAFIKLA mentioned about Emi Brown and friends will ride in JKT or just a simple tweet asking how's riding in JKT or shoutout to Indonesia beside a publication from Pedal Consumption, Heavy Pedal, Leader, Cadence and Indo fixed gear blogs became an impact.
So guys, This is my recap for Fixed Fest '11 with a few of photos via my Blackberry (such a fool i forgot to brought my devices left at home, too excited guys). Y'all better keep stay tune for update i will put a link from others recap.
Alleycat race with 6 check points that we able to beat it randomly.
I'm not the first one who came to the final check point and not the last person too but i beat it all, LOL!!
With Emi Brown after Alleycat
With Matt Spencer, Patrick Thames of Pedal Consumption and my friend Supri
With Mattias Erlandsson "Allsides" Zhenchen
Emi's Brown 735 Leader
Our official stickers and a stickers from Pedal Consumption and 19tooth
courtesy of Bike Bike d'jalan
courtesy of Michael Chacon
courtesy of South Beach Queen
Alley Cat Fixed Fest 2011 from woof jakarta on Vimeo.
video by funkadrome
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